Welcome to the NOVA Climate Coalition
A grassroots coalition of climate groups in Northern Virginia.
Advocating for 100% renewable energy by 2035.

Is it possible to go 100% Renewable by 2050?
Mark Jacobson of the Solutions Project says yes! Check out his lecture at GMU's Fall for the Book
Mark your calendar: October 12, 2017 at 12 pm.
GMU’s Fall for the Book Festival welcomes Stanford University professor Mark Jacobson, scientific director of the Solutions Project, for a fascinating lecture on his research and plans.
From our homes and smartphones to the electricity running our local grocery stores, clean energy is not only possible – it’s already happening. But is it happening fast enough to avoid climate change disaster? Find out on October 12 at 12pm at George Mason University’s Fall for the Book event, Making America Green, in the HUB Ballroom.
With hurricanes devastating our islands and coasts, the cost of relief from these disasters skyrocketing, and a federal government unwilling to face climate change reality, solutions seem distant. Many politicians believe the path to renewable energy is too complicated and daunting. But Stanford University professor Mark Jacobson, scientific director of the Solutions Project, shows us it can be done – and soon.
Jacobson’s career has focused on air pollution and global warming, and he’s written multiple books and articles on global and national renewable energy options. His most recent, a textbook titled Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions has been called “engaging and comprehensive.”
Jacobson joined the Solutions Project after being recruited by its founder, actor Mark Ruffalo. Initially Ruffalo asked Jacobson whether it was possible for his home state, New York, to run on 100% renewable energy. Less than 24 hours later, Jacobson delivered a 30-page report that proved it could be done. He then expanded his original report into a 50-state transition plan, providing the roadmap for what it would look like for each state in the US to transition to 100% clean energy, and the benefits of doing so.
This 50 state transition plan found a 39% reduction in demand for power; 4.1 million jobs created in the renewable energy industry; 45,761 lives saved because of reduced air pollution; and $10,091 savings per year per person by reducing health care costs and savings from climate-related relief funds.
Come hear renowned scientist and climate solution leader Mark Jacobson detail his roadmap for converting the U.S. to 100% renewable energy within the next few decades. Making America Green is a can’t-miss event for anyone interested in the future of our planet. October 12, 12 noon, in GMU’s HUB Ballroom.
Sponsored by the George Mason University Departments of English, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, and the Sierra Club Virginia and Great Falls Chapters.
For more information and to RSVP, contact GMU professor Dave Kuebrich at dkuebric@gmu.edu.